Message from the Commodore:
After weathering the storm for 2020-2021, the future looks bright and vibrant for sailing on Lake
Norman in 2022. The current club calendar is posted and there are numerous on and off water
opportunities for us to mingle and get back to normal business. The officers are focusing on
strengthening our ranks through several different activities. Extending participation beyond just
the perennial racers, we will be organizing cross-pollinating opportunities in cruising class
fleets, offering racing training sessions with a focus on the “green” skippers (virtual and
on-water), and hosting more off-water gatherings. Besides keeping our ranks full and growing, we
fully intend to win the club award at the Peninsula Cup for a third year in a row. The highest
impact way to win the club award again is to overwhelm the competition with participation. This is
where we need additional cruising class support. If any skipper is interested in learning more
about casual racing, just reach out to one of the officers for more information about
opportunities. We would be more than happy to join you on your boat!
With a strong leadership team place, we are re-evaluating our financial position to best allocate
resources toward our primary investment (The OYC Race Committee Boat) and performing the necessary
maintenance. Thanks Bob Nolen and Nancy Treadgold! Our records are the most organized they have
been in years, and we are now using a new Google Sheets approach to scoring and reporting for race
On the horizon, we are still committed to hosting the best series racing on the lake in the
Wednesday Night Series starting in April, as well as the 150 Bridge Race and Pursuit races. We are
as strong as ever, and want to further foster great sailing on Lake Norman. Our sailors continue
to win races in their
division’s lakewide, band together to win regattas as a team, and serve on councils to better serve
the greater sailing community. We are very proud of our competitive spirit and close-knit group of
See you on the starting line.
Michael Morgan Commodore
Message from the Vice Commodore:
For those of you who do not know me I am Nancy Treadgold, your Vice Commodore for the 2022 sailing
season. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you. You will usually find me sailing with
my husband Neil on one of our 4 sailboats. Honey Badger (RS21) Miss Guided (Santana 20), Fawkes
(Catalina 30) and a 1968 505 that resides in our backyard, that started this whole thing. Some may
say we have a sailing problem.
With the last 2 years being challenging due to Covid 19 we are hoping to have more member
activities and possibly a couple new sailing events. One asset that is needed for all our sailing
events is the committee boat. The club has had the committee boat for many years and the time has
come to do some long-needed maintenance. We would like to form a committee from the membership to
oversee some of the projects that need to be accomplished. I am currently working with a local
upholstery repair man and friend of the club to recover all the seats on the boat. This is only one
of many projects that need to be done. If you interested in being on the committee, please send me
an email and we can discuss out plans.
As always, we are always looking for new members so if you know anyone who would be interested in
racing, learning about racing, or wants to hang out with a bunch of sailors. Consider asking them
to join the club.
See you on the water.
Nancy Threadgold Vice Commodore
Message from the Rear Commodore:
I would like to thank the members that have paid their 2022 membership dues to date. If you have
not already done so, please take care of this immediately. As a reminder, the Board made a decision
to set all member’s dues for 2022 with the volunteer credit ($135 Volunteer Credit versus $175
Full) as Covid- 19 limited volunteer opportunities for 2021. Going forward for 2023 dues, a member
will need to volunteer in 2022 in order to receive the $40 credit towards the 2023 dues. In the
near future, I will be sending out volunteer opportunities via Sign-up Genius. Be on the lookout
for that in the coming weeks.
The big news is our first social outing will be on Saturday, May 7ᵗʰ from 5 to 8 pm so please save
the date and plan to attend. The theme is Cinco de Mayo and we will be asking everyone to
contribute a dish.
More details will be coming in the next few weeks.
I am certainly looking forward to seeing everyone out on the water and at our Cinco de Mayo event
on May 7ᵗʰ!
Fair winds.
John Scharer
Rear Commodore